
Company Overview

Turkeyfoot Nursery has been in business since the spring of 2001. In the spring of 2017, Turkeyfoot Nursery moved to its current location at 80 Junction Road in Dillsburg, Pa. This 10+ acre site displays many trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals and hanging baskets. In addition, this facility stores screened topsoil and a variety of colored mulch.

The nursery is setup to allow our customers the opportunity to browse at their leisure. We have attempted to provide enough signage to answer any questions you may have regarding the products offered. If you need assistance while browsing, we will do our best to help you.

Mission: Offer quality nursery products to the general public at prices on par with wholesalers.

Payment Methods: We accept cash, VISA, MasterCard and Discover Card. Checks are accepted along with proper identification and a valid drivers license number

Warranties: While no warranty is included with the regular price on plant sales, our customers have the option to purchase a warranty.

Availability and prices are subject to change without notice


80 Junction Road
Dillsburg, PA 17019 


Phone: 717-432-3866

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